by JD_Art @

Is it a storm, is it magic, is it hope? Write a story or poem about what you see within this image.


I find myself lost in a foreign land, how i got here still confuses me.

I made the horrible decision of coming out to my parents. Their words were like glass shards to my heart and I couldn’t take it. I just wanted their support and all I got was intolerance.

Under a tree, I laid awake, thinking of what happened, crying until my eyes went dry. It started to rain and all I had was a cape and a plum colored umbrella.

I felt lost, like there was no point. I took my umbrella and started walking towards the edge, unsure whether this was best. But what was left for me? I didn’t have a penny to my name and no one to hold me and comfort me.

I couldn’t feel my face anymore, there were no tears left in my body. With a deep breathe I jumped.

How did this end in my appearing in this place? Was this heaven? She never quite believed in any of that so it was confusing why she’d be let in.

She was standing in this gray grass. Was it even grass? She wasn’t sure but it tickled her ankles, making her smile a bit.

The clouds made the place look almost mystical. The trees reminded her of the one she had cried in previously.

She shook at the thought, she had almost forgotten about that. Taken aback by the memory, she laid in the grass and just let the gentle breeze brush against her. She took deep breaths, she had to calm down to figure this place out.

She fidgeted with her hands while she told herself to breathe in and out. In and out.

She went on with her journey, wanting to see if there was any sign of life, if she was even still with life.

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