The sky full of stars seemed dead and cold; a place once so magical now hurt to behold.
Write a rhyming poem that ends with this line.
Night and Day
I live in the middle of the night.
No sunlight
touches me
for almost a day.
No one can see
my face.
But the stars,
the night sky,
every single shard,
are the reason why
my world shines so bright.
In black, it becomes alight.
There’s a strange
that seems to change
what I can see
at night.
Darkness, they call it.
It’s an astonishing sight.
It emits
marvel and wonder,
rain and thunder.
Each dot in the darkness
will bless
my life.
But, it seems, a knife
cuts through me.
When the sun comes to play,
my world crashes to its knees.
There is nothing I can say,
no word I can utter
or splutter,
that will bring back the night.
So now I must wait
until the sun disappears from sight,
until it becomes late.
The sun overpowers them all,
and they become so small.
Disappearing during the day,
never being able to stay.
The sky full of stars seemed dead and cold;
a place once so magical now hurt to behold.