Write a story about a character who has no idea what a weekend is.

Why do they not understand this concept?

Schoolboy Sammy

The bell has run to signify the end of the week. Kids scurried out of the classroom, ready to become couch potatoes, laying on the couch, picking up their controllers, turning on their Xbox or PlayStation and playing for countless hours. They most likely also stuff their bodies with unhealthy foods like chips, crackers, soda and pizza.

And while they do that, I stay behind. I write endlessly on a blank binder paper, spoiling each page with my pencil. Sentence. Sentence. Sentence. I keep writing sentences nonstop. Each sentence I make, I present to Mr. God. He shakes his head, forcing the paper back into my hands and pointing back to my desk. I trudge to my desk, regretting even breaking a commandment.

Commandment 1,000,000: Thou shalt not believe in weekends, for they are days of laziness.

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