Holding a torch in front of them, the main character decides to explore the basement to find out what has been making that noise.

Harmony, Part Five

“What’s that sound?” Harmony asked.

“What sound?” asked Lex.

“That deep, slow ticking with a hum to it.”

“I dunno.”

“Can’t you hear it?”

Lex didn’t answer.

Harmony moved from the window, listening carefully for the sound. She stopped at a door, putting her ear to it for a minute. She opened the door to reveal a dark, descending staircase. She flipped a light switch, but nothing happened.

Looking around, she found a large metal flashlight in a nearby closet. She turned it on and pointed it down the stairs. It lit the area decently enough, but only revealed a wall at the bottom where the staircase turned out of sight.

Harmony stood observant for a moment. She turned back to Lex. Lex was still playing his game, seemingly unaware she had moved at all.

Harmony, without hesitation, descended the staircase.
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