
His hands the warmth of a fireplace

Shocking against my cool skin

his eyes a deep brown

Golden in the sun

Reminding me of coffee dates

And heart shaped chocolates on Valentine’s Day

His voice a hypnotic melody

Sung by a siren

Drawing me closer and closer to him

I relished in his contagious laughter,

corny jokes, and unoriginal complements

His heart a lulling thump

With my head against his bare chest

My fingers gripping his sides

Afraid to let go

Except there is no he

I have yet to find that peace

That Hollywood romance movie love

With cringey dates

I often find myself asking?

When will I find you?

Or will you find me?

Will you be as entranced with me as I you?

And yet despite my forever wonder

I’ll know when I find you

I’ll feel it in my heart

And in my bones

In your arms, I will have found my home

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