Image by Dan Meyers @ Unsplash

"We were in love here". Write the story of how your protagonist ended up painting this here.

idealistic expectations

an amazing first date

he had it all planned out



perfect without a doubt

his expectations with this girl

were at an all time high

she was perfect, the only thing was

was he the perfect guy?

he hoped the date would maybe

cover up his incompetence

he approached the evening

with such charm and such confidence

but then reservations were canceled

and the night went downhill

the sky started pouring rain

however, he was persistent, still

then he dropped his wallet in a puddle

the taxi driver stranded them in the street

he cried out in frustration

his face turning red as a beet

she must think i’m an idiot, he thought

as rain poured down from above

how pathetic am i

thinking this was a night of love

but then she grabbed his hand

and stared deep into his eyes

she then smiled and then giggled

and he smiled too, to his surprise

the night had been a disaster

but she didn’t care

as long as he was with her

she would go anywhere

it’s true he wasn’t perfect

of course, because no person is

but he was real and all she wanted

was for he to be hers and she to be his

later they came back to the place

after many happy years

they grabbed some paint and

wrote five words,

“we were in love here”

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