Dragons really do exist, but they're certainly not mean and terrifying...

Daunting Dragons

Dragons really do exist!

They’re rather big and scaley

Lengthy and cruel

Power hungry and manipulative

Dominating over the house, he prowls upon.

Breathing fire through the thick haze of deeply inhaled smoke.

Each exhale, a burst of anger, thick with blame.

To fear a child into tears

Trying to gather the words to say, he has hurt me.

And when a child like me speaks his words are bitten through by teeth, and knocked down a stone or two.

He cowered me into the shadows with only

fear to keep me company.

Chained down by shackles

Cold blooded shivers raced down my spine

Wishing for time to vanish, to wake up in a place where fear no longer reigns.

This cave where the dragon rested loomed

Swallowing me whole

I was a lamb trembling in the dragons den,

Hunted by its thick-blooded glare,

searching merely for an escape.

Over years, I collected my stones

Sharpened my swords

And my soft skin turned into hefty armor

I’m much stronger now

No longer the timid lamb who once feared the dragon

In my eyes

His scales slowly fell to reveal skin

His Fire shrieked down to sparks and the cloud settled to a figure.

Daunting glares faded left to see only a man’s eyes.

Sharp teeth nawed down to nothingness

A loud echoing roar through the land, now a cowards voice trembling to be heared.

Dragons really do exist but they’re not rather what a child like me believed, rather the daunting dragon was a man I once knew my real father.

He faded from my fears as I grew stronger and learned to face him.

Now I see him not as a monster but as nothing more than a man.

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