Inspired by Kail Cleo
Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).
Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.
~Dear diary~
**_Dear diary,_****_ 09/03/2024 _****_~Lacy~
Today I walked into class.
My hands were shaking and palms sweaty.
I don’t know these people.
what if I do somthing stupid.
what if they hate me.
what if i’m ugly.
I sat down in an empty chair and pulled out my workbook.
A boy entered the room.
He’s tall, brown eyes, brown hair, and so so handsome.
He caught me looking at him.
I looked to my hands in my lap.
They are covered in purple spots.
He sat next to me.
He smiles, my stomach flips.
“Hello” He says. “I’m Aidan.”
I fidgit with the ring on my finger.
I smile at him “Hi, I’m Lacy.”
Throughout class he had to have noticed my nerves.
I was sitting stiff as a board.
The way I was fidgiting with my purple spotted hands had to have given it away.
Gosh why am I so pathetic.
**_Dear diary, 09/03/2024 ~Aidan~
_**I entered class today.
I smiled to my friends as always.
The same old same, but then I saw her.
Brown curly hair, dimples, and blue eyes.
And they were looking at me.
She looked away quickly her face flushing.
I sat next to her and intruduced myself.
I’ve never seen somone so anxious.
dosn’t she know how pretty she is?
She said her name was Lacy.
That's all she said today.
She was too nervous to even speak.
Was it becouse of me?**_
_****_Dear diary, 09/04/2024 ~Lacy~
_**Aidan sat next to me again today.
He smiled and said “Good morning Lacy”
He rememberd my name.
**_My Name?_**
“Good morning Aiden” I smiled.
I actully talked today.
He asked about me.
My favorite color, show, movie ect.
He wants to know me.
I asked about him too.
He told me about himself.
He was telling me about his favorite movie when the teacher finally shut us up.
He smiled and whisperd “I’ll tell you more next time.”
**_Next time.
_****_Dear diary, 09/04/2024 ~Aidan~
I’m starting to think she’s perfect.
She’s shy but once I got her to speak she had this sweet voice.
I could listen to it all day.
**_Dear diary, 10/01/2024 ~Lacy~
_**There was a next time.
Many more next times.
I wasn’t as nervous anymore.
I’ve always been shy and scared of what people thought.
He changed that.
He made me belive he cared.
And he did.
He liked me.
_**He asked me to prom today.
I didnt even have to think about it.
I said “yes” of course
He smiled so brightly that my heart leaped.
**_Dear diary, 10/01/2024 ~Aiden~
_**She said yes.
She said she liked me too.
She makes me happy.
So so happy.
I don’t have to fake it anymore.
That smile is genuine now.
**_Dear diary, 5/27/2028 ~Aiden~
_**She**_ _**said**_ _**yes**_ _**again.
I was on one knee this time.
It was supposed to be today.
Vows were supposed to be said.
Tears were supposed to be shed.
But not like this.
I asked four months ago and she said yes.
We were supposed to spend the rest of our lives together.
I guess she kept that promise.
But It’s imposible to keep mine now.
I’m only twenty-two.
She was only Twenty-two.
I cant spend the rest of my life with her.
But she got to spend the rest of her life with me.
It’s not fair.