Submitted by Norris Reynolds

Create a scene where an older person offers advice to a younger person.

Whether they are relaying an important message, or the advice is more light-hearted, think about how this interaction might go.

If Only I Could Tell

Dear younger me, If only I could tell my 13 year old self that you won’t remember those girls who made fun of you in the hallways at school for wanting to live out your dreams. If only I could tell my 16 year old self that the boy who broke up with you at 3am over a short phone call will become a distant memory. If only I could tell my 19 year old self that you don’t need to impress others to love yourself. If only I could tell my 22 year old self that you’re not gonna be perfect. If only I could tell my 25 year old self that you’re wanted. I’m 30 now and none of that matters, it’s all faded from my mind. I was successful in accomplishing my dreams, but that doesn’t matter now. Nothing is permanent. So here’s to teenage Alison. To young adult Alison. You’re gonna be ok. You shouldn’t have worried so much. Nothing on this earth is permanent.
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