by Thomas Griesbeck @ Unsplash

'The Lake'. Write a crime, mystery, or horror story about what happened at this location.

The Sirens

No one ever knew of the creatures that dwelled beneath the Lake Greywater, nor did they know why they did the things they did. They were horrifically misunderstood, demonized by people intent on wiping out the magic of the world so that everyone would be equal as they proclaimed each and everyday.

And it was the children and the young generation who had suffered the most.

The creatures of the lake, those men and women with their brilliant fishy tails, had heard them all crying out in the night; hoping against hope that anyone would free them of their false society.

They had heard......and they answered.

At the stroke of midnight on Midsummer’s Eve, the sirens began to sing, their voices eerie and haunting as it echoed through every town, village and farm, waking the children and young folk who dwelled within. The singing roused them from their beds, their parents oblivious to the hypnotic beauty that only their children could hear.

They left their homes and ran for the lake where the merrows, merrow men and sea folk awaited, urging them to run and jump in. Their parents and elders ran hot at their heels in pursuit, intent on dragging them back, but it was too late. The young ones had fled to the water and into the arms of their new families. Those that arrogantly had dared to come to the water’s edge were burned in holy fire, turned to ash before they could scream.

And so it was that every Midsummers Eve that the mermaids returned to the lake to gather the unwanted, the abandoned and the neglected, returning from the sea to bring them home.

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