Best Birthday Ever

Towering trees rose above her head in majestic rows. Birds sang and squirrels chirped. Hundreds of different shapes and sizes of flowers bloomed, showing their colors in bold, delicate, or brilliant styles.

Olivia pushed her blonde curls out of her eyes and smiled at the scene. For twenty-four hours, she had been lost in the forest.

At first she was terrified, until a few minutes ago, she'd begun to look around her. Slowly, she walked on the game trail, and then stopped.

A loud noise echoed through the pines. She began to move toward the sound. She came into a large clearing and stared, her bright Brown eyes taking in the roaring waterfall.

For ten wonderful minutes, she simply watched it, before looking around once more. She squealed when she saw a man on a horse riding dejectedly along the river.


Her father looked and made his horse go into a run. He stopped just in front of her and jumped off.


He hugged her and hugged her. She smiled.

“I’m eleven years old, today, Papa.”

He just hugged her again.

“Best birthday ever,” she sighed, happily.

“I'm hungry!” she added.

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