For a while your brother was convinced that someone was following him; now he has gone missing.
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Blu Is Missing
“Hey…did you hear that right now?” Blu questioned his sister his eyes squinted, looking out into the distance. It was almost as if he was nervous.
“Hear what? That twig that crunched…? Blu it’s probably just an animal what are you scared?!” Nova teased her brother. She was one hundred percent convinced that he wasn’t scared of anything. They both knew he would win in a fight.
“Shut up I am not scared. But…I think someone has been following me.” He said with a plain expression.
“Uh…are you being serious or are you just joking with trying to scare me?” she questioned him. Her face was twisted with fake disgust at the thought of her brother trying to scare her.
“I’m being serious. I’ve noticed the past few days in Magnolia just some sketchy stuff has been happening.” His voice was serious and it gained Nova’s full attention.
“What?! Why didn’t you say something to them that’s not like you?”
“I don’t know I guess I’m not *that* worried about it.”
Nova sighed. Clearly he was more than a little worried about it if he was bringing it up. But perhaps it’s more that he’s worried about Nova getting involved in the mess of things that could happen.
“I mean to be honest if anything happens we’ll just have to fight them.” Nova’s white and yellow eyes light up and she smiles trying to suppress the anxiety she now has deep inside.
It’s been about two weeks since the last day Nova had seen her brother. At first she thought maybe he was just out on a mission. The more she thought the more she knew something just wasn’t right. He never went on long missions by himself and what he told her was playing on a loop in her mind.
The space slayer was filled with all kinds of anxiety and the thought of her brother being missing and potentially hurt was sending her into a constant state of mental panic.
“Have you heard from Blu or seen him stop by the guild at all?” Nova’s purple hair fell in front of her face when she spoke. Her eyes never left the ground she was too afraid to make eye contact with the master.
His eyes looked in her direction and his face held a puzzled yet disgusted expression. She never spoke to anyone except her brother and he wished she would keep it like that.
“From Blu? I haven’t seen him at all, I’m sure he’s just out on a job. Sabertooth is the strongest guild out there. There aint no weaklings here!” The master is a very aggressive, stubborn man who couldn’t care less about his guild members. Although he could feel her anxiety and fear he literally could not care less.
“No,” she snapped her head upwards to look directly into his eyes. “He’s not out on a job he told me a few weeks ago that someone had been stalking him. I wasn’t that worried about it then but I haven’t seen or heard from him in over two weeks and he never takes long solo jobs like that!” her voice was stern.
“He said someone was stalking him?” Masters voice oddly sounded concerned and it made Novas stomach churn.
“Yes! He didn’t say much just he thought someone was following him and sketchy things had been happening to him. At first I thought he was joking but now he’s really gone.” Nova’s heart ached. Her chest felt heavy and so did her eyes. She was getting severally overwhelmed and her breathing was escalating by the second.
“Don’t worry too much about it. He’s one of our S-Class wizards, Nobody kidnapped him, or even COULD kidnap him if they tried. And if they were able to then he deserves whatever fate comes his way for being a weak enough pest to get caught in the traps of a none Sabertooth member.”
His words made Nova’s blood boil. Her hands were shaking and her stomach was so twisted with a mix of emotions she was nauseas.
“So you’re not going to do anything to help me find him..?” Nova could barely speak she was so angry.
“Yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying. Either he’ll come back unscathed on his own, or he can die for all I care.”
(I dont have room for more so oop-)
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