Shattered Trust

Trust is earned

Trust is broken

Trust is given

Trust is taken away

Out of spite

From just one night

From just one fight

From just one word

Words you say, they stick around

They linger in the back my mind

Good, bad, unspoken.

I wish that some of them would go away

The memories disappear

Vanish, in a puff of smoke

Like a magic trick

Instead I’m left to choke

On them whenever I’m feeling weak

Or sad or down or just have managed to allow my guard down

All it takes is one split second

And my mind is right there back in the gutter

Remembering all the words you said, and didn’t.

Yes, trust is earned. Trust is also kept.

Trust is also broken. And trust has definitely left.

You don’t need to cheat for trust’s absence to repeat.

All it takes is a little blend of disrespect and a continuous lack of effort.

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