Submitted by by Laura Melvin
"I think I just met the happiest person in the world!"
Write a scene or story which begins with this piece of speech.
Oh To Be Happy
"I think I just met the happiest person in the world!" I almost yell to my friend from across the cafe I just ran into, late for our plans yet again.
"I- okay? Tell me about them." She replies as I walk up to her and sit across from her at the round, wooden cafe table. This cafe has been our meeting spot for a while with its green walls and soft light. We find it to be a relaxing place to get together.
"So I was walking here, right? And then I trip and almost fall flat on my face," I clap for emphasis, "And don't worry I caught myself. But this person sees my trip and comes up to me to see if I'm ok, which is already really sweet. So she asks, with the most sincere expression ever and I'm like, 'Yeah I'm fine, it happens.' Trying to be cool but she was so pretty!" I take a short breath and continue with enthusiasm, "Then she just smiled at me, the most beautiful smile, and helped me up, laughed a little and said 'Good.'" I let out a sigh, "And then, just as fast as she showed up, she left.. I never even got her name. Let alone her number. She was so good looking too! Ugh! Can't believe I didn't chase after her or something.. she was just radiating in happiness, I could feel her joy just warming me like the sun. I would give anything to just be in her presence again." I finished as my friend just stared trying to process all the information I just dumped on her.
"Okay.. so just let me get this straight-" she starts.
"Get this gay." I corrected her.
"You met this person and she 'radiated happiness' and you liked that." She continues unbothered, "And you didn't get her name or anything? That's unlike you."
"I know." I dragged my hands down my face, muffling my words, "But she was just so pretty and confident that I wasn't thinking straight literally!" I defend myself. "I just don't know.. oh to be happy." I wonder aloud.