
He opens the door and walks inside,

A single thought on his mind.

The woman at the desk smiles, doesn't glower

"The usual as always, Mr. Powers?"

He nods one time, his mind in a riot

As the lady goes to retrieve the Violet.

Tenderly he receives the flower,

Forever intrigued by its delicate power.

He gives her a coin and leaves the store,

Trodding away, needing nothing more.

He enters the gate and steps inside,

The engraved stones of no surprise.

With tear-brimmed eyes, he lays the flower

Beside a stone reading, "Margaret Powers".

He smiles as he steps away,

For he would be back another day.

He exits the gate and resumes his walk,

Silently pondering things without talk.

He thinks again of the beautiful dainty flower,

The favorite of his beloved Margaret Powers.

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