
In the darkness of her past, she found her strength,

A survivor, against all odds, she went to any length.

Through the shadows of abuse, she fought her way,

Emerging from the wreckage, stronger every day.

Stripped of her essence, but not her spirit or soul,

She learned to trust her instincts when love took its toll.

With scars as reminders, she vowed never to forget,

The lessons learned through pain, a path of regret.

But as she stood tall, a phoenix rising from the flame,

She realized her worth, and that she was not to blame.

No longer defined by the toxic ties that held her down,

She embraced her independence, her smile no longer a frown.

She discovered happiness in her own company,

Realizing that she didn't need a man to feel complete, you see.

For love is not possession, control, or despair,

But a gentle touch, a kind word, and someone who truly cares.

She knew what love was not, that much was clear,

But what love truly meant, still remained unclear.

And so she embarked on a journey anew,

To uncover the secrets of a love that was true.

She sought compassion, respect, and understanding,

A partner who would hold her heart with tender handling.

Through trials and tribulations, she continued to yearn,

For a love that would ignite, and make her heart burn.

And though she hadn't found it yet, this love so vast,

She remained hopeful, steadfast, and unsurpassed.

For in her quest for love, she had discovered something grand,

That love starts within, the rest will fall into place as planned.

So she walked her path, with newfound wisdom in her core,

Knowing that love's true definition was worth fighting for.

And as she looked back on her journey, peace she had earned,

For that was the only lesson she ever needs to learn.

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