Write a story about something that never changes throughout an ever-evolving world.
Think about the properties of this thing that make it so consistent, and whether this makes it good or bad.
The world is changing. It’s always changing. Life now, looks different than it did 50 years ago. 50 years ago, life looked different than 50 years before that.
People change, cities change, technology changes, culture changes.
Very few things stay the same. But a lot of times, the things that don’t change, are the most beautiful and often most forgotten.
The sun has been rising in the east and setting in the west since time began. But it’s never lost it’s beauty. Every year, without fail, the leaves on the trees change color. This is something we know and anticipate, but it’s beauty never ceases to amaze me.
Every night, when the sky is clear, I like to look up and stare at the stars. Every night they are there to welcome me, and every night I’m in awe of their beauty.
No matter how much the world changes, beauty never does.