Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.
Catastrophe Rush
Left right then right and round before bouncing up down vertically then horizontally dancing in zigzag then waves . Harshly hitting the expensive vase before bouncing off to the finely fancy forest painting having its card twirl in an 180 degrees . Boyuntly bouncing back to a certain’s someone gaze as the ball was intended to hit them an furiated look bloomed in his reddened face . His eyes glairing abruptly at the mischievous little boy snickering deviously at his frustrated cousin his eyes darting back and forward the quarreling ladies who’s unconcealed despisation for each other was triggered by the accidentally flying ball .
Though aware of the dangers his eyes lured around the room slipping and sneaking through the numerous crows which formed as the ticking of the clock seemed to only get pidernfor Aaron . Tick tick tick time seemed to get faster as his steps did accelerating to the exit knowing fully well what grevious scene was to play out . Dong ! The bell ring loudly a tension sat upon the room the lights held their last breath the windows their last refreshing song and the room her last silent before the room erupted in chaos . Not forgetting the pain filled shriek that followed it as everyone’s attention turned to the source some desperately trying to desperately get away from any harm whilst others rushed to the spectacle my feets following them rapidly as my ears recognized that unmelodiois voice .
Time stopped . My eyes suddenly drowning in sorrow . My heart beats thumping uncontrollably. My lips trembled in utter disbeliefing agony. There she was an hideous hole painted with red into her abodomen . Her diamond hazel eyes squinted in nothing but pain . Her usually neat hair flowing in random patents as her head slowly …..slowly fell into the cold hard floor . Her eyes darkening her injured quivering lips trembling teroficly trying to help herself as her nails digged into her fresh wound. Helpless was something that I had never felt before never thought of for even a split second before now. I pushed myself forward towards her fragile self
. And that cruel cold-blooded ‘friend’ of hers whose eyes dived into December’s hurted ones a satisfied smirk selling her out. Cautiously observing the scene from afar . Soulless expressionless yet relieved the’culprits ‘eyes were as I got closer and closer not waiting even one second. Countless crowds were running from the endangered scene people screaming getting stamped pushed as I reached there delivering a hard fist in the man’s jaw to . Before turning my whole being’s attention to December who was ooosing consciousness her eyes blacking out. I scooped her unconscious form into my arms uncountable voices screaming, running as I ventured outside helding her firmly trying to regain my calm
. Breathe in breath out the ambulance is here the police is here safety is here . I told myself as she was taken into the ambulance. Calming down I looked around people were shaken even crying some injured whilst most were trying to leave the area the fastest way possible a mess it was .
My eyes piercing into the ‘culprit ‘ before they bounced back to the real one who was already in her limo her eyes playfully smiling at me as I shot hers an glare submerged in hate