Write a story about a character making a big change in their life.
It could be a move, a difficult decision, a commitment etc.
It might Just Be Worth It
A strange thing, isn't it?
It's something I hate, yet want.
Change could be changing your style, hair, interests, or room.
It could be a job, school, friends, or family.
It's something that could be huge to one person, and small to the next.
It’s something I crave, yet am terrified of.
What if it’s not what I want?
What if it’s a death? A loss? A goodbye?
It could be something wonderful.
Or something tragic.
That’s what scares me.
I want change, but what if it’s something bad?
Maybe it would be worth it, to try change.
But what to change?
Hair? Clothes? Room?
Maybe try a job? Learn to drive? Learn a new skill?
It still terrifies me.
Maybe something small for me.
A new style.
That might do for now.
It may seem small, but who knows?
It might be something huge for me.
Might help with my confidence.
My self-love.
Then maybe I could try something else.
Small steps.
I’ll have my family to help me, even if it's with small things.
Change might be scary, but It Might Just Be Worth It.
The end.