Write a hypothetical story about why the sun and moon change every night and day.
You may wish to take inspiration from cultural or ancient stories, childrens books, or fantasy tales.
Write a hypothetical story about why the sun and moon change every night and day.
You may wish to take inspiration from cultural or ancient stories, childrens books, or fantasy tales.
This is beautiful. I love it so much, and the relationship of moon and sun is perfect. I wonder if instead of it being a bittersweet reunion, you could make this more of a homely environment where mother must work but the sun can play. He’s always running around and brightening the world, but then sleeps at night. Only on occasion will he come near mother while she’s working, and they will enjoy each other for a time before he goes back to running around with joy and frivolity. Sort of like when a kid runs ahead of mom and dad at the zoo, looking here and there before coming back to their side for a time - until they enter the new exhibit and can’t control their energy.
I love what you’ve done. It has an air of mythos about it as if they are gods of old
I love how you’ve taken this and turned it into a family dynamic. Your characterization of the sun and moon was very strong and it made me want to get a full on story of this.
The eclipse idea is genius! I never thought of using astronomical phenomena for this prompt. It brings so much flavor to it. Also delivered a brutally sad gut punch there at the end.
Long story short, I love this!
Ughh this writing is so good 😩
I loved your description of the clothing! Good job! I also really like your characterization, and it work very well. Keep up the good writing <3