Dear W…

Dear W,

Hi again. I see your making lots of friends. But do you know they talk behind your back?

Remember when we tried to make ammends?

But i was scared you wouldnt want me because of what i lack?

I wanted to tell you,

You are not alone.

We are both surrounded by people, who are lost,

Searching for home.

I want to be your home.

Dear w, are you doing fine?

Im not so great,

I keep coloring out of the line.

I seem to find something wrong with me everyday,

You made me feel perfect- even when i wasnt ok.

What about you?

Do you see your flaws?

I see none of yours. None at all.

I hope your doing good,

Even though your so misunderstood.

No one knows,

Who you are.

But i do.

Dear W,

Im losing hope.

I feel so lost in a world full of mope.

Did you find happiness?

All by yourself?

Or are you hiding?

Like everyone else?

Do you think we can start over?

To when we were best friends?

And i didnt know- how much i needed you?

You stood by my side,

Yet i lost your trust.

Because i was immature, brand new metal coated in rust.

Dear W,

I understand now.

That you wanted more,

More then what we were.

And now i cry on the floor.

And i was scared.

So i went undercover.

But now i see.

That really we both wanted to be together,

But at the wrong times.

You wanted to be mine, but now that your gone,

I want the same.

People say love is a game.

But we both lost.

I should have known,

That we would both end up alone.

Dear W, I say i like other people,

I say i like J,

He is so nice,

But i dont like him anyway.

He loves me.

And i thought i loved him too.

But it was denial.

Because i still love you.

I dreamt about him once.

But i dream about everyone at least once.

But you- no.

I dream about you all the time.

I try to forget,

But its so pungent and sour like lime.

It wont go away.

No matter how hard i try.

I wish i could lie,

To myself.

To make me belive,

There couldve never been,

a you and me.

Dear W,

I havent spoken to you in over 6 months.

We never say hi.

We never sit at lunch.

Your so far away.

So out of my reach.

I want you so bad,

Guess this is the lesson they teach.

They say you dont want something till its gone,

So now i sit alone on the lawn.

Wishing on every star,

You would just say hi.

Or even goodbye.

Im fine not being lovers,

I just want to be friends.

We could joke about things,

That have no end.

We could laugh all day,

And cry all night.

Wishing to be more,

But losing the fight.

Im fine now- its fine if we both lose.

I just dont want to do it alone- without you.

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