
Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.

The Unexpected

“I’m pregnant”

I never in my mind would have thought that this was something I would have to bring up to my husband.

He was so career driven, how am I going to tell him? As I look at the test I go back and forth thinking of all the words to describe how I was feeling. I was nauseous, excited, scared, worried of what he might say. After all this was my third baby.

I go back to my work desk to start my shift, by this point I was too shaky to start my workday. I looked behind me and spoke to my good friend Krystal. I told her “I’m pregnant!” She said “oh my gosh! Congratulations!” At that moment I knew this was more of a blessing.

I had my schedule wrote down on sticky notes that filled a corner of my desk. I laid the test down, got my phone out and took the picture.

“Message sent” I kept reading over and over. Eventually my husband would look at the message saying “well I’m pregnant.”

I was terrified by what he would say, I messaged my sister saying “what if he’s upset, this isn’t something we planned!” She reassured me that it’s going to be okay.

I checked my messages once again and saw that he has not only seen the message but replied! His reply was “I already knew babe, your mood and constant craving for subway was a giveaway!”

With all the chaos that could be happening in life we were having a baby and he was so proud to be a dad again. All the stress and worry went alway.

Now he’s three and thriving and the joy of ours lives. He is a mini me of his father.

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