by Sans @

Write a story titled "When I Look in the Mirror".
!Abuse, swearing, mention of SA!
I run from my house into the forest. My breath heavy with every step.
“GET THE FUCK BACK HERE SLUT!” He screams, throwing a shattered bottle that only just missed my head by a few inches. I trip over my ankle length skirt and fall to my knees, i look back and see another bottle being thrown in my direction. I duck as the shattered class grazes my scalp and i feel a trickle of blood falling on my forehead. _Shit. _I look back once again and see him running towards me. I panic, adrenaline kicking in fast as i run through the forest.
“You can’t run forever Adelia. I own you. Be a good bitch and come back to me.”
Tears fall down my cheek, still running as fast as i can knowing this rush won’t last as long as i need it too. I look up at the dark trees as the rain makes my white gown nearly see through. I saw a large black log falling from the sky. My eyes widen as my body unconsciously moves from under it. It just misses me as i hear a blood curdling scream. I look behind me, terror filled me as i saw him. I saw his arms and legs in the air. His screams filling the whispering silence of the wind. I stared at him. I stared at him until the screaming stop. He’s dead. He’s finally dead. I’m free. I run away from the area. I don’t know how long i was running for. But I finally stopped when i got to a lake.
It was beautiful. The water was crystal clear and the ripples danced in the glimmering pale moonlight. As i got closer to the lake, i saw stones come from beneath the water. I stop and hesitate for a second, before i stood on the stone. Once i did, 6 more stones appeared, one after the other until i saw a mirror. It was the first time i saw myself in a mirror in years. My skin was pale and smooth, my curly brown hair was at my waist, my dress long and flowy. The rain stopped when i took more steps, but as i did i noticed something was off. Every step i took it would alter my appearance.
First step forward, my iris’s and pupils turned white.
Second step, horns emerge from my forehead.
then the third, then the forth, until t was nothing but a demon. I wanted to say that this is just a scam, its trying to scare me,but I don’t feel scared. For the first time in a long time I didn’t feel scared. My whole life I thought that it was my destiny to be an angel, to be nice and respectful. Not anymore. I finally learnt how to rip out the stitches of my wings that were forcefully sewn in my back. I look back on my past and memories. I can still feels his hands, his dirty dirt hands cross my body. Touching me. Begging for him to stop. Thats gone now. I can finally take revenge on not just him, but the person that put me in that situation. The person i looked up to the most. My god. My creator. My mother. She sold me off for a high, for a sweet treat. Im done with being the sweet treat that’s chewed up then spat out. This time I’m going to rot their teeth, clog their arteries. Its finally time for me to start pulling the strings.