Submitted by by Laura Melvin

"I think I just met the happiest person in the world!"

Write a scene or story which begins with this piece of speech.

A Guild’s Importance

“I think I just met the happiest person in the world,” Greggor mumbled to no one, slowly slinking off his leather boots. His eyes were moments away from sleep, the craze of a long day evident in his hunched figure and dazed look. He continued to undress methodically, quickly changing into a more suitable outfit for inside affairs.

Combing through his hair in the cracked mirror he kept next to his bed, he caught a quick glimpse of Rae as she waltzed into the sleep room. Her hair was in a tight updo, messy, but effective for training. Her eyes glowed with the spark of new growth, so much different than how she arrived those months ago.

“How might the training be going, what stage are you on now?” Greggor mumbled, still focusing on his hair.

“Well, I’m still on the training tools, Lynol doesn’t see me fit to start on sharper knives yet. Finn says I’m progressing well though.” Rae states watching him preen himself in the mirror, “You look steps away from death’s doorstep, what occurred on this glorious free day that I myself am not yet granted?”

Greggor turned and fell, not very gracefully, onto his brittle bed. Sighing with contempt and not exactly knowing where to start Greggor opened his mouth then proceeded to shut it. Then, opening it again, “I met someone today I think.” His voice was softer than usual but had an edge of sadness.

Rae watched but did not speak. Stood still a small appeared for his efforts.

He continued on, “He was…he was glowing…I-“ Greggor sighed, “no matter, I can’t…there no time.” He mumbled. When Ras get again did not respond her added, “He had a beautiful smile.”

Finally she spoke, softly with the words quiet enough to preserve the most fragile walls of porcelain. “Why not? Why can’t you…see this man?”

Greggor looked up, “Because I’ve witnessed what happens. I know the end of the story and trust me, it doesn’t end well.” He scoffed then became more gentle in tone, “this job…it consumes oneself. I takes what matters most right out from under your feet and sweeps the ground beneath it clean too. That’s why this…all of this…has to matter most. If the guild comes second than it will destroy you.“

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