by Sans @

Write a story titled "When I Look in the Mirror".
When I look in the mirror I too like everyone when I look in the mirror I see every flaw in my outer and inner self. But me I saw more than that and further than that.
I was a child when it first showed me it’s true self. I had always complained that my reflection scared me and my face moved when I looked at it, but they always said it was nonsense and the ramblings of a child but then this year the nightmares started and the reflection changed to the shocking and gruesome image I see now. The first time I saw it I screamed and went running around the house covering all the mirrors and not looking out the windows.
My parents checked me into the hospital and said I was rambling and having a fit. The doctor asked my parents a few questions and my parents nodded I was then restrained and given a sedative. I woke all groggy and couldn’t remember how I had gotten to this point. Then the nurse offered to brush and fix my hair. I nodded as it was a tangled mess and falling in my eyes. She handed me a mirror and told me to look in it and see my hair as she brushed it and then tell her how I liked it. Thinking the ghoulish image was just a very vivid image from my imagination I held the mirror in shaky hands and tilted it slowly up to my face. At first all was fine and I saw the nurse smile and I smiled back then I looked at the image again and my face was in a grotesque and evil grin and it was no longer my face I screamed and threw the mirror and tried to get as far away as I could. The nurse called for the orderlies and the doctor. They restrained me again and sedated me and the last I heard they were
transferring me to the local mental hospital for evaluation. What a 16th birthday this had turned out to be.