The Invitation Part 1

*sounds of laughter and joy

“Raise your chalices!”

“My friends! Thank you for joining me today! as we celebrate yet, another battle won. I stand here by you all as a king who has united our entire country under one rule and that is mine. King Baal.

For generations prior kings have tried and failed. But I cannot leave out my countrymen who followed me in battle. Many times we’ve come face to face with death and won. The gods guided each of our victories. However, we can’t say we won unscathed. we lost many of our brothers. But we know sacrifices must be made. May the Gods treat them well. They will forever be immortalized as heros who brought victory to this great nation, that is clearly favored by the gods. I must thank them for they have chosen me to lead this kingdom.

They will tell our story for many generations to come. We’ve made history here today. So join me as we celebrate this glorious day. DRINK!! Enjoy the feast and enjoy the festivity which is fully deserved.”

The king is sitting on his throne when a mysterious hooded figure in all black appears he seems to be holding a letter.

“My king, I apologize for interrupting your festival but, I have a letter for you.”

*hands it to the king.

Wait! Before you open that what it contains must remain secret. You cannot tell a soul. That is the only stipulation if you so choose to open this letter.” Says, the mysterious figure whose face seems pale as a ghost but his face is obscured by a black veil, only his mouth seems visible.

“Who sent you? Where is this letter from?”

“I cannot tell you who sent me or where the letter is from. However, I what I can say is that it is an invitation for you and alone. If you decide to open that letter in private the answers you seek will become clear” *laughs creepily.

“But by opening the letter that means you agree to the invitation. The choice is yours my king. Surely, a king as powerful as yourself would not be afraid to open this letter. But feel free to discard it in that flame if you wish. I’m only a messenger. *laughs creepily

The mysterious figure fades into the darkness of the night as his laughs echos throughout the castle and slowly fade away.

*silence fills the room

The king clears his throat.

“Wipe that look out of your faces you fools Let the feast continue!”

Yeaah!!! Hail the king!! *clashes of chalices erupt with sounds of glee.

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