Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.
Do Affection
I told my bro’s about this girl I like. And they were all hyping me up “Go ask her out. Get her some flowers, tell her how you feel” So I did.
The next day I climb up to her window, daisy’s in my hand mixed with roses in a bouquet, and a teddy bear that she has always wanted, because it would complete her set. I wait till exactly 6:00am, when she wakes up she takes 3 minutes to turn her alarm off and two extra minutes to stretch and yawn. Her window is positioned directly in-front of her bed, so I try my best not to knock over her candle on the windowsill. I lock the window behind me and close the silk white curtains.
My feet barely make a sound on the oak floor as I walk towards her bed, she changed her sheets from yesterday. They’re now a pastel rainbow of colours covered over the bed complete with soft plump white pillows.
Her alarm goes off and she does her daily routine- I memorised it. I watch her twist and turn as the alarm goes off. Stretch her hand out to touch her phone, the alarm turns off at 6:03, but she sees me at 6:04.
Her screams of joy are like a blessing ringing off my ears, a smile pasted on my face I step towards her. She stretches out her hand to offer me an empty glass of water, but once blood pours down my face I’m sure she made a mistake- her hand slipped. I put the bear and the flowers to one side and frantically try and pick up the glass she gave to me. The more things that fly at me the more I realise it’s a game. My mother always screamed when dad came home and they played catch in the kitchen- a bit childish if you ask me.
Her screams continue but I’m too busy cleaning my blood off her rug and the glass off the floor to realise what she is saying. “Get out!” I can hear her heart beat out her chest, she sounds like she is loosing her breath. I go to comfort her- she won the game. But she must be a sore looser. More of my blood is splattered and falls onto her pastel sheets as her fist goes through my face “Get out!” She yells.
I stutter, I’m confused “what do you mean…I-I thought girls like this I’m doing affection I got you flowers and a bear, your favourite bear-“
Everything goes a blur for a second- my mom yelled those words, at dad. She throws another pillow at my face but it hits the window. I lit the candle because I thought it would be romantic. But what is even more romantic is saving your damsel in distress from a burning building.