
Shirley sometimes felt like she was incredibly dull. Not disliked or looked down on in any way. Just dull. She woke up at 6 am every morning. Went to Starbucks, got her drink and her boss’s. Picked up doughnuts for the office. And always made sure the voicemail was checked before the boss came in. People could depend on her for these things. And for many other. She had habits, rituals, daily undergoing that you could count on to always happen. And she could spot whenever any little thing was off. Not in an annoying way, no one ever found her to be annoying, just said things like “Oh, Shirley, thanks for noticing.” The out of place word in a letter. The new haircut. New shoes. The fact that the mailman was late. Every one around the office seemed to enjoy her company. But what no one knew, because she was anything but a blabber mouth, was the amount of secrets she held for those around her. Rhonda in accounting had a crush on her boss Tom. And Richard was having an affair with his secretary. And Jerry cheated on her diet every Tuesday by getting ice cream. Some secrets were little, and some were big, but they all knew they could count on Shirley to keep them.

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