The Meaning of Life

What I would tell the people is that life has so many different meanings. It is meant to be lived to the fullest. It is also meant to be enjoyed. Every people are outside or in doing amazing things. I used to spend almost every day inside. Wether the sun was shining or the rain was falling. But when I met my boyfriend my feelings of how I spend my days changed. Three years into our relationship I became jealous because his days had seemed to be more eventful than mine. But one thing I do know about jealousy is that it is wrong. At least I believe that it is. Even though there is such thing as healthy jealousy, I do not believe in it. What I do know is if I want my life to have meaning, and if I want to live it to the fullest, that I need to go outside into the world. Not just hole myself up inside. I need to spend less time thinking that I don’t do enough or that my family doesn’t do enough. I also became jealous of my extended family as well especially my one of my cousins and her family. That is because they go on luxury vacations and do so many other awesome things. Mom said that with the family it’s in your face because they’re always talking about what goes on in their lives. From now on thoguh I’m going to try not to be jealous of anyone, because I love my family and my boyfriend very much.

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