How To Get A Teen To Do The Laundry

Mom: ā€œSON! What are you doing?! You have to do your laundry!!ā€

Ben: ā€œIā€™m playing this totally addictive game so why donā€™t you go do the laundry?!ā€

Mom: ā€œSon-ā€œ

Ben: ā€œTHANKS MOM!!ā€

Mom: sighs in frustration and goes downstairs to see the sky has turned green like in his game!

Mom: SCREAMING ā€œSon!! Look outside!!!ā€

Ben: unsure of why his mom wonā€™t say his name looks to see the green sky

Mom: Why is the sky green?!

Ben: ā€œOh itā€™s just my video game! It has taken over the world, but I know how to stop it because Iā€™ve beaten all the levels!ā€

An alarm clock appears in sky showing Ben had one hour to save the world

Mom: Go Son!! You got this!! *hides in closet*

Ben: thinking: why does she call me son?! Itā€™s a mystery. I should probably figure it out! I mean I could ask her butā€¦ eh I donā€™t feel like just getting the answer today. Letā€™s think!

The alarm clock blares to reveal that he had 45 minutes left.

Ben: thinks more: ugh I canā€™t think of a good reason! Playing video games help me think. *plays the video game that is currently taking over the world*

25 minutes later

Mom: ā€œSON have you won?!ā€

Ben: ā€œMom you just rhymed!ā€

Mom: ā€œWasnā€™t intended! Whatā€™s your status?!ā€

Ben: thinking: oh shoot, I havenā€™t beaten that game yet! I have no time! Eh itā€™s fine, Iā€™m sure the demons will give me a couple extra minutes!!

Ben: ā€œIā€™ve got it covered!!ā€

Ben plays, he beats level one and two but then a gorgeous girl comes in his wayā€¦

Gorgeous Girl: letā€™s date ;)

Ben: yes please!!

So they go on a date in the middle of the End Of The World and they talk and talk and talk and purposely ā€œforget to leaveā€

Another man ends up saving the world while Ben gets named The Worst Video Game Player Ever.

ļæ¼Mom: ā€œNow you have to do the laundryā€

Ben: ā€œK fineā€

Mom: whispers: my evil plan workedā€¦ god bless procrastination :)

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