by Becca Taper @ Unsplash

Write a story about a character becoming obsessed with something sinister on their phone.


Cold and weary

the moon was covered that night and it was hard to see clearly. We headed toward Galileo Street, across from that brick School adorned with vines.

I could not yield the vision of warm ocean mist spritzing our faces while the tide ticked our feet & ankles.

Your white cotton-linen shirt gleamed in the dark just fine, I was lost in a cologne of Tobacco and Pine. My senses now empowered on different realms than before, be it a summer’s electric spark, or a journeys detour.

Yes, memories fade like denim with time, so

we sit and press rewind.

You left early that morning from Galileo Street, as all the Fisherman did, we said goodbye as we always did. Suddenly, your soul became one with the ocean, a wave wrapped you in its embrace, the maiden wasn’t spared either but she fought just as hard against fate. Among the pearls in a sea of love, anchored by all goods sake. Tales of sailors again only secrets of deep, only known, by Galileo street.

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