Compose a poem about a poet
This can be yourself or your favourite poet (or poets in general)
The Poet who Hated Poems
Where to begin?
Other than the waves of hatred,
There is only anger and pain.
They look at you with pity and fear
Knowing that they’ll be soon torn apart
And left with nothing but a fake meaning
That was never there in the first place.
Why try to find meaning where there is none?
The way these poems are put through the depths of hell for our English class
Picking the poem apart like a scientific experiment
Just give me tweezers and a lab coat
Have we forgotten how to enjoy poetry?
Do you people know how difficult it is
To enjoy poetry, when we must look for a
‘Hidden meaning’ when the words are right on the surface?
Not as bad as analyzing poems,
But it’s hard to be creative when forced to
Good poems take heart, but am I willing to give that up?