
Billy Brendan Splintificate jolted awake suddenly, jerking the hospital bed and emitting a horrible screeching sound.

"Whu, where am I?" He rubbed his head with his long manly fingers. "What herpmed?"

He looked adound the room and saw a girl in a bed next to him. Natural bleached blond hair adorned her petite frame. From under her deconstructed messy bun, piercing emerald brown orbs stared out.

"Hey," he said, to her and she looked up at him wide-eyed. She looked small and delicate in the oversized hosppital gown. For a second he forgot his confusion as he felt his alpha instincts spring to life. Suddenly he felt rage overcome him.

He ran another long manly hand through his sweaty hair and breathed in deeply. The hospital smelled clean and chemical. He thought carefully about his next move but was interrupted when the girl pulled the hospital curtain to the side. Again, the horrible screech of the mettle. He was full of angrer but

fought viciously to control his alpha insrincts. He glar3d at her but managed to speak.

"Where are we?" He grouwled masculinely. She stared back.

"We're in the hospital, duh." Rage overwhelmed him. He shook uncontrollably. He had to get the wolf inside of him in chechk, or people could really die. He ckenched his jaw and gripped the bedsheet.

"Don't take that tone with me," he roared stoicly. His muscles pulsared with alphonic rage. "Women always think they can tell me me what ever they think but it's not like that because of the media, and I can't forgive and I can't foget!" He conjected intelletually. She stared at him in woman!s anger.

Suddenly he heard a raging beep all around him and noticed a monitor on himself. He roared as the beast inside him roared to be unleashed. The monitor beeped fastef and faster, aggravating his rage.

Then on the middle of his rage he heard a budsting into the room. He slun around to see a 6'3 man in a flowing docotor coat with razor red ocean eyes and windswpef haircut. He began to growl as he sensed another alpha.

The alpha raised an arm dramatically, index extended facing Billy.

"RESTRAIN HIM!" Suddenly, a team lf doctor adorned in white rushed him and pinned him to the mettle bedframe. He roared in agony and tried to fight them off, but there were too many of them. He felt his old wounds reopen. But he still has restrain his inner beast. He couldn't"t let it repeat., what had happened before.

"Noooo!" He raged.

"I'm not mad, Billy..." the doctor said coldly. "I'm just disappointed." Billy glared up at him with unabounding hatred.

"We really thought we could trust you in a double room again." Dr. Darrett looked forlorn. "But it seems this behavior just keeps repeating..."

Billy burned with shame at the actions of his inner beast. It was just too powerful. He hadn't meant to do it....

"We'll need to move you back to the single room, Billy..." Billy scorned. "I'm sorry."

"No," the girl interrupted. Billy looked at her, stunned. Suddenly he saw that she was not like the other girls he had expierence with. She was different, and stronger. "Keep him here."

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