Describe the feeling of happiness without using the words 'happy', 'joy', 'content' or other closely-related synonyms.

Try to use a variety of metaphorical devices to create an image that emits a sense of happiness.


When I was little tot my grandma was my favorite place. Her kind smile was the welcoming mat, warm embrace the front door. She created so many core memories I’ll never get to reminisce with her.

Playing hide and seek in the corn stalks and ending the evening with numerous cuts.

Digging for rollie-pollies in her flower bed.

Scrapping her floor by dragging a kitchen chair so I could reach the cookies.

Her nimble fingers dancing over the piano playing while she hums hymns.

The best one- sitting on her porch swing inside her sunroom. A pearly pink conch shell pressed to my right ear- swaying my feet to the ocean noise. My grandma on my left playing the ukulele and rocking the swing. My fingers mimic hers the best I can and all I see is gold.

I taste sunshine and feel it’s heat in my heart.

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