Submitted by Atlas

Write a scene that takes place during a thunderstorm.

The plot can be about anything, but the main scene of your story or poem has to take place in a thunderstorm.


“Oh come on! That would never happen like that!”

Pippa covers her mouth with the star blanket to muffle her giggles. Salen notices her poor attempt and throws two pieces of popcorn at her.

She loudly laughs as she shields herself. Then she grabs the pieces and pops them in her mouth. “Pip, you have to admit that Lara Jean would choose John Ambrose if they were real people,” Salen points aggressively to the TV screen to the aforementioned characters.

“I don’t disagree with you. Your passion for these fictional characters is just amusing to watch,” Pippa explains.

“She is just so much more comfortable with John Ambrose. She even says that!” Salen rants further. Pippa smiles at her best friend. She gives a hundred percent with everything, even when talking about why fictional relationships are not or would not work out.

A boom of thunder from the outside storm scares Salen and she jumps, popcorn going flying around. Pippa giggles and picks up the pieces.

Salen rights herself and shakes off her surprise.

“Speaking of romance, how are things with Cotton?” Salen loves gossip. Somehow she is never involved but knows all the information.

There is no mirror, but Pippa must have a dreamy smile on her face. “We are surprisingly good. I had my reservations with him being Water Craze, but I think he’s turning over a new leaf,” she gushes. She never knew being with Cotton would be like this.

“Yeah, sorry about that. Who knew the one guy I try to set you up with is your incredibly handsome, super rival?” They laugh at the coincidence.

“You know, I always knew there was something between you and Water Craze. Your witty banter only happens for people destined for love,” she says, hanging half off the sofa.

She turns away from her friend but hides a smile in her shoulder. “You watch too many romance movies.”

“No, in the movies, the banter is so not believable. With you and Cotton, it’s real.”

The rain pounds on the roof harder, louder. She glances at the window, water streaking the glass, distorting the backyard.

“Cotton took me to a movie I said that I wanted to see.” She only mentioned it in passing and he remembered. While that may seem like a small thing, it’s the little details that matter. It’s a good start.

“You didn’t have a date in the sky?” Salen teases, shining her phone flashlight at her. She waves a glowing hand and the beam changes its straight trajectory.

“We’ve been trying to keep our time powerless. For the time being at least.” Once she figured out it was him (which she would like to pat herself on the back with how quickly she clocked him), they agreed on keeping their…superpowers out of their relationship.

Inevitably, it will probably be a more serious conversation, but they’re good right now.

“That’s smart. Keep superhero/super rival and civilian life separate,” she comments, nodding her head in approval.

“You make us sound like Batman and Catwoman or something.”

“Well….aren’t you?”

“Wait does that make me Batman?” They fall into fits of laughter as they both imagine Cotton as Catwoman.

Just as they are coming down from that funny image, her phone dings. With one glimpse, she smooths her clothes and stands up.

“I better get home. My mom wants me back before the storm gets even worse.”

“Do you want me to drive you? It’s raining pretty hard.” Salen offers, concern evident.

“No, it’s only like a two minute walk.”


Once she starts her stroll, she regrets it. Her clothes soak, she can feel it down to her bones. Her hair sticks her skin. Socks uncomfortably soggy, making the disgusting squelching sound.

She crosses her arms and rubs to gain some warmth. If it wasn’t so dark, she would let her light out which would heat her up. It would be too obvious since it would cause her skin to glow.

Just as she begins to wish she took Salen up on her offer, she doesn’t feel the rain anymore.

The rain is still falling but not on her.

She tilts her head upwards and sees the droplets avoid her like there is an invisible umbrella.

“Having a good time there?” Twirling around, she faces Water Cra——Cotton.

“Thanks for the assist,” she greets. “No problem. Water is my specialty after all,” he shrugs.

“Wow, my own personal umbrella,” she quips. While they are a couple, that doesn’t mean they can’t still tease each other.

When they resume the walk, he continues to keep the water off of her. In fact, he shows off a bit with the rain drops twisting and swirling around them.

She can’t help but think of the romantic rain kisses she’s seen on TV. It is always after an argument and then they run back to one another for a kiss. Salen has got her watching too many romance movies.

So deep in her imagination, she didn’t realize she is right in front of her house until Cotton breaks her out of it, “So I’ll see you soon?”

“Yeah, definitely.” She starts up her porch steps. Her foot pauses mid step. What’s stopping her?

Without a moment more to talk herself out of it, she sprints back to him and pulls him into a kiss.

If either of them could see themselves in third person, they would see a perfect movie scene. The rain falling, setting the scene. The droplets forming a stunning barrier, protecting them. Her hands shimmering, the light causing the water to sparkle.

It isn’t like a movie. It’s better.

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