Write a story where a misunderstanding leads to bad consequences.
It could be a small part of your story, or the whole plot could depend on it.
Not Today!
Malissa orders her coffee every morning before she goes to work from her Starbucks apps. She hates being late, so she has it ready for her to just grab and do. When she got to Starbucks this Tuesday morning, she goes to her usual spot, but her coffee wasn’t there. As she scans the room, she notices a young woman and her child leaving, she screams hey that’s my coffee you bitch. The young women covered her child’s years and said excuse me can you watch your mouth. Malissa not trying to hear any of it, she is going to be late. That’s my coffee mother fucker now I’m going to be late to work ass whole. The young women looked at the name on the coffee, realizing it wasn’t her coffee. Quicky apologizing, oh I’m so sorry I thought this was my coffee, I’ll buy you another. Malissa filled with rage tells her to fuck off bitch I don’t need your money I need my coffee. The young lady looks at the cup, looks at her son, and poor’s the coffee all over Malissa once empty she throws the cup on her and states your coffee have a nice day. Her and her son calmly walk out get in the car and drives off. Malissa stands there filled with regrate because she felt horrible the way she treated this lady over a cup of coffee, plus she was soaking wet and very sticky.