Black Market

“I can’t believe your really going to do this Ana,” Luna said to her sister. “We said we wouldn’t do this after what happened to you and mom. It might seem like an easy fix but is it really worth it?”

Again said Luna, the younger naive but still so sweet sister of Ana.

Ana always admired her younger sisters sweet nature and positive view of the world, even so, Ana knew a different world.

“Luna I’m not doing anything that wasn’t done to me first, it’s not like I’m buying them from some back door dark website like they did to me.”

Ana calmly explained to Luna, who was obviously distraught at what her sister was going to do.

“It’s not okay and I know but after this whole buying emotions buisness took off, no one expected the dark web to get in on it or for scammers to find ways to buy just anyones emotions even the ones that were not for sale.”

“If this happened to you Luna I would support you, and remember I’m not buying just anybody’s…I’m buying mine back. I thought it was gone forever but those low life’s had the nerve to buy mine illegally and then come and sell my own shit back to me, try to understand ok.”

Ever since technology and the a-list people found a way to extract an emotion from another human and put that emotion into another body, the world has become a huge pick-n-pull of emotions.

Depression is at an all time low but suicide is the highest it’s ever been. There was more integrity to the process when it first became public that is was even possible, the same way we check one box at the dmv requesting to be organ donors was the same way you could be an emotion donor. Only, as with black market organ dealing being one of the most profitable buisness’, black market emotion dealing took off, and buisness is booming. With people being able to pick and choose what they want and not having to wait for donors, instead a way to take emotions from living,healthy people was discovered.

Ana was one of the unlucky people to have the spark stolen from her life via her emotions.

The worst part was that Ana was not like everyone else who suffered the same experience. Ana had always been gifted, from a small child to adulthood she exhibited her clairvoyant abilities a number of times, she was especially gifted in the area of feelings. She first noticed something was off when she would experience sensations and feelings throughout her body both internal and external that she couldn’t explain. She went to her aunt, who was hard to convince of anything even though she also shared the gift, for advice.

“So you feel all these things Ana? And why can’t you just ignore it if you know it isn’t happening to you?” Ana’s aunt asks her as she sits down next to her niece.

“Yes I feel them, this is the only time I ever resented my gift aunty, it’s not fair. It’s like being punished for something you didn’t do, I don’t have to be there doing these things but yet I still have to feel all the sensations and now I’ve been seeing faces in my sleep.”

Ana’s aunt looks up at her with concern.

“What kind of faces Ana?” She asks.

“The faces of many men aunty. But not just regular men,” Ana’s body language showing her discomfort with the topic.

“I think that whoever took my emotions, sold them to a prostitute, and before you call me crazy and tell me to leave it alone or like Luna said, that I shouldn’t buy it back, hear me out.”

Ana breathes in deeply as she begins to explain why it’s so important to get it back and why she cannot simply take it as a loss like so many do when this happens to them.

“If I’m right that means that I’ll have to suffer this connection to whoever this woman is for the rest of my life. Tia, it’s been a few years now and it’s only gotten worse. You know I don’t even miss my mom anymore, or grandma and grandpa… I used to be so full of love and excitement and a drive to do the things I loved, all of which are gone now.”

Her aunt, now with tears in her eyes, gives Ana a reassuring hug as she asks her one more question.

“ If you weren’t clairvoyant do you think this would effect you as deeply as it is now?”

Ana replies quickly to the question.

“No! That’s why i can’t, I have to buy it back! If I don’t I’m afraid I’ll end up doing what my mom did and everybody else who lost theirs.

I only have two options. Find her and Buy it back or prepare for my own death.”

In this new world of emotion buying, sad to say, but the topic of death was no longer a sensitive subject. Preparing for one’s own death became a lot like when terminally ill cancer patients prepare for the inevitable. They say their good byes and try to live out there last months or in some cases years, the best they can.

“I’m afraid Tia, I really am but an injustice has happened to me, one that threatens my life. I don’t even want to close my eyes to sleep because i can’t sleep without seeing all those faces.

And worse, you know my boyfriend?” She asks her aunt.

“The one I don’t like? Yes Mija how could I forget that boy.”

“Well he broke up with me, I told him I was seeing faces of different men when we would….you know….and he didn’t believe me.”

“This is how it happens to everyone, except I know why suddenly I’m losing all these things, others did not know but I do Tia.” Ana explains with excitement to her aunt.

“Well I will support you since I see there is no need to talk you out of it, I could not live that way either.

Can I say something mija? Then It will be the last question I ask.”

Ana braces herself for what she knew was coming.

“Hmmmm yes aunt, I’m listening.”

“So now you see why I never liked that boyfriend of your’s?” She says to Ana with a serious tone.

“Really…out of all that your thinking about that Tia?”

Ana replies as she lets out a laugh, much needed to lighten the mood, displaying once again her resilience in any situation, and her ability to still smile even through something as serious as this.

“Well I’m just saying Ana. They messed up when they picked you to do this to mija.”

“Go get them.”

Ana was only 28, no more that 150lbs and stood about 5’ft 3 inches tall. She knew buying back her emotions would be no easy thing to do, black market dealers are the most dangerous and ruthless type of people. What she had though, her clairvoyance, would give her an advantage in navigating her way to the source. She would always be 5 steps ahead of them.

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