Pick an object in your home, and describe its function as if it's absolutely magical and unbelievable.

Something as basic as a hair brush could be of magical origin, electrical objects a scientific wonder, everyday items could only have been designed by fairies!

Magic Rocks

I can see it, right in front of me. We chose rocks. Rare rocks with the right magic to them. We found them deep in the earth and extracted them with great effort. We shifted them in great golems of animated metal. These rocks, we flattened and molded and melted. We formed from them shapes and symbols, writing with this process symbols layered on symbols, runes forming gates which dictate the flow of rivers of a magic of the sky. Gates, which we layer one atop another, finely arranging sand, that these rivers of lightning may form meanings and perform tasks. Long lines over which the fastest signals flow. Rock, with the right magic, altering the rivers' flow, communicating the flow of other rocks, across the world, with magic signals we cannot see. Rivers upon rivers, performing little tricks. Magic built by hours, days, months, and years of design. We build onto it lights and interfaces, powered by that same lighting. It follows precise, predetermined, predictable, patterns. Computers. Rocks, with the right magic, flattened and inscribed with symbols, filled with lightning, finely arranged sand we've tricked into thinking.
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