Write a dialogue scene in which two characters have an important conversation while playing hide and seek.

How will you use this scenario to compliment the dialogue?

Ready Or Not

“Come out already we’re gonna be late!”

“I’m serious, we don’t have time to play games anymore! Are you even dressed at least?”

“_Fuckin christ, I can’t do this._”

“… you swore, you’re not supposed to do that.”

“Great, _now_ you hear me.”

“Look, I know it’s scary and I know that it hurts but if you don’t say goodbye to mom now yo—“

“NO! _That’s not mom. _Mom’s always smiling, and she smells like cookies, and she’s always laughing, and she feels so warm every time I hug her. That’s not mom, why do you keep pretending that it is.”

“will you please just come out”


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