The After Party.

Write a story that begins just after a big party has finished.

My Heart Is Yours


The night in Smallerville is usually quiet at midnight. Of course, it isn’t now, and the civilians are probably pissed at the commotion going on outside of the local bar.

But I don’t know; maybe they’re all sleeping peacefully now? I sip at the water in my cup, and watch my chums make a fool of themselves to the ladies. Rayburn’s around the building pissing in a bush, so I don’t really have any thing else to do until he decides he wants to leave.

I’m drinking water for a reason: to take him home safely.

Bram laughs loudly at something his woo says and then yells, “Come on, everybody, we’ll continue this party of at my house, who’s with me!”

There is a drunk uproar before everyone is making their ways to their bikes and automobiles. Kip comes up beside me and bumps my shoulder.

“You coming, Oz, or are you staying with that twig of yours?”I growl at his words, causing him to laugh with that red, bulging face of his.

“I’m joking, lad,” Kip chuckles, patting my back, “But if you still want Rayburn’s arse for yourself, you may want to get Jasper to back away. Seems like he went to go see Rayburn piss.”

My eyes go wide at his words. Jasper, that rich little leech. Rayburn doesn’t like him much anyway, but in the drunken state he’s in…. “Goodnight, Kip!”

Kip waves. “Try not to break his bones, Oz, we wouldn’t want you going to jail!”



That party was something else. I tried to hold in my liquor to the best of my ability, but it seems that I failed quite miserably in that regard.

“Ugh, my head.”

Anyway, a good piss ought to clear my head a bit. You know, in comes the liquid, out goes the liquid.

I blink my groggy eyes as I pull down my fly. “By God, I really am drunk.

After I finish, I run my hands against my trousers and turn to go find Oswald. The boy was right, he is indeed going to have to take me back home. I sure as hell can’t walk myself there; I could but I believe that I would pass out on the dirt road before I even made it halfway there.

As I’m about to turn the corner of the building, I am stopped by a large hand that pushes me back.

“Jasper,” I gasp, “What are you doing?!”

He puts a finger to his mouth and takes a glance behind him. “Shh, it won’t be long before that lap dog of yours comes to find you, and I have something to say.”

I steel myself and cross my arms. I’m too tired for this. Too cold as well. Why is there winter?“Alright.”

Jasper smiles. He’s too good looking for his own good. He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me close, his jade eyes hold my gaze.

“Ah, Rayburn, you truly are something else,” he whispers, then he closes his eyes and leans in.

_Wait a minute._

I push him away just as someone else pulls him back.

“The hell do you think you’re doing, Walcott?” Oswald growls, pale oak wrinkled in fury, pulling Jasper in close by his collar.

Jasper answers with a coy smile. “Nothing now, Oswald; since when did we go to last name basis?”

“When you tried to kiss Rayburn. That’s when.” Oswald lets go of Jasper’s shirt and pushes him away. Jasper tries to take the shove, but ends up falling into the dirt anyway. I laugh at the angry sight, causing Oswald to look at me with concern.

He grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. I allow him to lift me up and cradle me in his arms. I’m too tired to care at the moment. I’ll chide him for it later.

I lay my head against his warm chest and close my eyes.

By God, my head hurts.



I’m knocking on the door_ _Rayburn’s aunt’s farmhouse when he begins to snore. I’ve taken all this time walking to calm myself and not drop Rayburn down and pummel Walcott to a bloody mess. It would do no good. Probably get me in trouble too, but did it really matter…?

“Ray, you mean a lot to me, you know that?”

I’m met with a sharp snort and a drooling mouth. I smile then kiss his head. “Yeah, you know.” I kiss him a few more times on the same stop before the door opens and I walk inside.

“Hey, Miss Florence! How are you?” I shift Rayburn’s thin, limp body around so I can give her a side hug.

She’s in her night gown and her eyes are drooping, but she seems happy to see me, dispite the late time.

“Ah, Oswald,” she yawns, “You back with him already? Thought you two would have stayed together for longer.”

_What does she mean by that?_ I ask her and she just waves it away.

“I just thought that—nevermind. I’m going back to bed, goodnight.”




_**Oswald and I are two peas in a pod. Whether I like it or not, he’s going to stay with me together.

But I never said I hated it.

Most**_ _**of my dreams feature the two of us in that nearby meadow. I sketch on my pad, and he watches me with his large smile.

But now, I am having a strange dream. Oswald is no where to be found, but I am here in the meadow.


I fear that this is not what I think it is.



_**I know I shouldn’t be in his bed _with_ him, but when I saw him frowning so deeply in his sleep, I couldn’t just leave him. And I really like the way he’s holding on to me right now with his skinny arms. It’s like he’s giving me a hug. _Willingly_.

I do want to kiss him right now, really kiss him, but I can’t do that to him. Having his consent would be so much more special than kissing him unknowingly. Having his consent means that he feels the same way about me as I to him.

But I know that day will never come. I should probably leave. I will after a few more seconds.

And then he says my name.

“Yes?” I whisper.

“Where are you?” he mumbles, arms tightening.

“Right here, Ray, I’m right beside you.” I lift my arm free from his grip and stroke his cheek.

I feel like I’m making this worse for myself.

“Don’t leave me.” He buries his head into my chest.

Or maybe he is.

I brush my lips against his hair. “I won’t, I think I’d hurt myself if I did.”



_**Ah, early morning. The time for tea and honey toast.

Also it seems to be the time to see your own nephew cuddling with your neighbor’s son.

“Huh.” I already know how Oswald feels about Lanvard, but I didn’t think Lanvard returned those feelings.

I groan, stretching my arms and heading back downstairs. “It’s too early in the morning for this drama.”


(Thank you if you’ve made it this far! This took a while, but I love my characters, sooooo I got it done.)

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