Submitted by Addy Whaley
Write a poem that could have this as the title.
i have to go to greece tomorrow
“i have to go to greece tomorrow”
i assumed you were having another
breakdown or midlife crisis
“why?” i asked
your best friend’s mother was dead
“oh.” is all i said
because what am i supposed to say?
i knew her, of course i did
ever since i was a baby
brightly coloured lipstick and a
lust for life- the ultimate rejection of
her old age
am i supposed to feel something?
because i don’t feel much of anything
but i am sorry for their loss
your best friend needs you
and so you’ll fly away tomorrow
to wipe away her tears
it did make me think, though
about what will happen when i grow older
and death starts to reap my friends
i’ve never been good with grief
or processing any kind of emotion really
so i sit here in silence
but don’t take my reaction personally
i haven’t felt anything in a while
i guess that’s the truth
so, you have to go to greece tomorrow
and i hope that death doesn’t come
back for a long while
but i guess we can’t control that any more
than the changing of the tides
or the love within our hearts
i’ll see you on sunday, though
i’ll have done two exams by then
don’t feel bad- i want you to go
because while numbness may hold my hand
anguish tugs on your heart
so it’s the least that i can do
“i’ve booked my flight now,
the funeral will be on friday”
“that’s soon”
“that’s how it is in greece”
the long silence rang in my head
“oh.” is all i said