Photo by Josh Kahen on Unsplash

Write a story featuring a character with acrophobia trying to cross this bridge

A Bridge Too Far?

“What do you mean there’s no other way?” I looked at them incredulously.

My group leader looked apologetic. “While there are others ways, they would take too long. We don’t have the l provisions for it”

I swallowed hard. I’d known it was coming but I’d hoped there was a way round it. Slowly we packed everything up and made our way to the canopy.

As I looked up, I saw the trees. The bridge hung like a ribbon across the canopy! No hand rails at the edges. People walked across with no worries. But that was them.

This is me. I can face snakes, venomous spiders, the craziest monsters you could ever contemplate. But this, this was too much.

It was ….. high.

I really didn’t want to do this. Not in front of the others. But I had too.

“Damn it!”

Slowly I put one foot out on the bridge. It wobbled beneath me. I was afraid. Suddenly I felt an hand reached out for mine.

“Come on we’ll make it”.

Slowly, we moved. “Don’t look down!”

My heart sped up and my pulse went through the roof. I felt like I was walking through treacle.

“Don’t worry. We’ll make it across.”

Each step was a pain. Too high! Too high! Minutes stretched in to hours. Hours felt like days. Days like weeks. I was so scared.

Eventually, I made it to the other side and collapsed to the ground.

From behind me I heard cheers and clapping. Shouts of ‘well done’ and ‘congratulations’

“You can now add conquering high bridges to your achievements Sonny.”

I sat there and grinned.

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