Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.


Meeting at the park, late afternoon, he made his way to her and froze. He had second thoughts, but she ran up to him with a hug, and quickly spoke, “hey baby! how are you!” She noticed he wasn’t looking to her as usual and asked “whats wrong?” His chin fell as if the wind forced his head and he began weeping. She started dating him looking through the lens of trust issues and throughout the relationship saw that it was just what she always longed for, she thought of it as if she were in a grass field on a summery day dancing to the sound of the trees being blown by the wind. He saw through the lens of vulnerability being love, but to him, it was as if he wanted to swim but were dropped off to drowning in the middle of the ocean——taken by boat only when he gave up. “Im sorry… Im sorry…Im sorry” this thought kept on rolling through his mind. She begins crying compassionately, because she suddenly felt the mood shift as if she finally realized that this was real. At the age of 12 her father had gone away from her mother, unfortunately, never coming back, she missed him so——very much, he was her superhero, he was her everything, his leaving destroyed her and changed the way she lived forever. This was the one relationship she had felt secure and she had begun slowly opening up her heart too him. “Are you ok?… baby?… stop crying… please… talk to me you know Im always here for you.” She was his everything, and she became his everything. After she said this he felt a sharp pain in his chest as if he had been shot by an arrow with poison. He slowly stops crying, and puts on a straight face wiping his eyes. “Im sorry…your everything Ive ever wanted… you are my best… and my only friend, even my beloved…” She quickly interupts “Baby, what are you saying?”…..”I have to go.” looking up at the sky holding his eyes back from raining. “Go where?”… He rubs his thumbs beneath her lower eye lids and with his palms on her cheeks says, “Home beautiful… not ours, but…” he feels a sharp pain in his throat and his ears begin throbbing, “but… home,” he sighs. Standing there not wanting to leave eachothers presence—— he takes his palms of her cheeks and holds her hand one last time, “I love you…” he says with a deep voice. He walks off and she stood there crying, standing up, chin down as if he were still there holding her. Its been an hour already it had already been late in the afternoon and the sun was down now, “I lo-o-ove y-o-oo-u… t-too” she says shakily staring at the pathway with his footsteps dug in and no one left in sight.

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