Submitted by by Laura Melvin
"I think I just met the happiest person in the world!"
Write a scene or story which begins with this piece of speech.
The Magic of Love
“I think I just met the happiest person in the world!”
Cassandra slammed into the small magic shop in her usual whirlwind of black tulle, her impressively tall heels clacking loudly against the stone floors.
“Hey, Ro did you hear me? Rowena? Where are you anyway?” Cassandra called, narrowly avoiding a row of crystal balls with her massive skirts.
Right on cue, a head of fiery red curls popped up from behind the counter, thick glasses askew on her face.
“What? Cassie?” The shop owner quickly adjusted her glasses as she peered down at the other woman.
“What are you doing here? I’m busy, go away,” Ro sniffed, straightening out her apron which was covered in dust.
Cassie snorted, eyeing the empty store with disbelief, but before she could comment a thick, furry body leaped onto the countertop in front of her.
“Archie!” Cassie cooed, sarcasm clearly forgotten in the name of kitten cuddles.
Ro rolled her eyes. “Please Cassie, his name is Archimedes, leave him with some dignity.” “But Archie is so much cuter, don’t you think?” Cassie pouted, scritching the black cat gently behind the ears.
“I absolutely do not. Honestly, we may be witches, but we’re not inhumane. Though, speaking of, a new shipment of human teeth did come in if you would like to restock.” Ro said thoughtfully.
Cassie waved her hand, “No, I’m here for something else. Didn’t you hear me? I think I just met the happiest person in the world and I also might be in love.” The taller witch swooned dramatically, pressing a hand to her corset in abject adoration.
“Cassie,” Ro sighed exasperatedly, “You have a new paramour every week, you are not in love.”
“No this one is different,” Cassie declared stoutly. “She was so...bright. It was practically blinding. She had blonde hair and freckles and this smile...” The lovesick witch trailed off, dreamily twirling a lock of raven hair around her finger.
Ro shook her head fondly, used to her best friend’s erratic love life after nearly 7 years.
“Okay darling, as long as you’re happy. Though please avoid losing your temper during arguments this time, I definitely do not have room for another cat, no matter how blonde or freckled or happy.”
Cassie giggled brightly, giving Archie a quick pat on the head.
“Infidelity is an unforgivable sin Ro. But there’s no need to worry. If things turn out badly I’m sure I can at least muster up enough magic for a bunny,” Cassie laughed, eyes glittering with mirth. With a jovial wave, the still snickering witch swept out of the shop, leaving only a swirling dust cloud and the smell of incense in her wake.
“Cassie, I mean it! I don’t want any more pets! Cassie!”
Ro groaned loudly as the door swung shut with a loud bang, resting her face in her hands.
“Happiest person in the world? Oh, she’s going to eat that poor girl alive.”