You are transported back in time, to the moments before the Big Bang.

Describe what you would see, hear, and feel, and try to be creative with the description you could use for a universe not yet in existance. What would this unimaginable state be like?

Soon Come

Darkness is all there is.. All I know. All we hear. All they see. Light is a myth and it’s void is so tangible that we can feel the welcomed escape in our marrow. We wait for our eyes to burn from the unfamiliar glow. Escape from this unending pit of nothing. Dark is not a color, a shade.. when it has been one’s whole existence.. it is a state of being. The longing for light echos throughout eternity. The hope of it the only thing keeping our heads titled skyward.

All that we feel, hear, see.. is a morbid repetition of empty. For countless hours, an interminable string of unchanging seconds, reminding us contastantly of the light we lack.

But.. The persistent knowing formed in the corners of our unseen beings scream that sight is just around the bend. Light is hope is Life.

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