Write a story centred around a relationship that is dangerous in some way.

Mr. Right

It’s only been 6 months and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Six months of dating the most indescribably amazing man on the planet. Seriously, I can’t wrap my brain around the perfection of that man. Every little thing he does is magic. Sure, he holds the door for me and buys me flowers and kisses my forehead, but his love goes above and beyond that. He shows so much love all the time, and I can’t stress that enough. He tells his girl she’s beautiful at least five times a day. He plans dates carefully, he’s always on time. He saves up just to spoil me. He knows exactly what to say and what to do to make me happy. He knows how to move on the dance floor and in the bedroom. Everyone loves his moves.

What makes him so great?

How does he show THIS much love all the time? What could possibly be his secret?

Well, now I know what his secret is.

She messaged me last night.

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