With the night comes darkness, but also stars.
Write a poem inspired by, or containing this line.
Fatalistic motes of light,
Pierce shadow’s heart,
Promised better overmorrows,
Fail to succeed each dismissal tomorrow.
Doom harkens to eerie call…
That inaudiable hum.
Naught but glower’s end,
And fraught suffering,
Against hopelessness’s backdrop,
Stained by crimson fears.
Doom harkens to eerie call…
That inaudiable hum.
To chase illumination,
Is to wager war, against nigh’s percolation,
Futile’s task urged to claw,
In final, senseless desperation.
Doom harkens to eerie call…
That inaudiable hum.
Alas, to burn amongst lour’s grave,
Is to ignite inevitable combustion,
Tempted by hope…
Drowned by spite.
Doom harkens to eerie call…
That inaudiable hum.
Against all dolefulness
Red ribbons scream with anguish,
A susurrate sigh…
A warbled blink…
An extinguished smile…
Eternal slumber binds
To the foresaken,
A gift to the living-
Death precedes in timely march,
Where naught is fought,
And solace departs from tormented shores,
Journeying one way