'In your arms, I found my home.'
Use this line to close a romantic poem in any style.
The Question
I found her before I knew
Friendship, laughter, trust bloomed
Filling the empty space between
I dare not ask the question,
What is the truth I feel?
I denied, reflecting in silent intensity
Easy it was at first, in the quiet
Stillness of the night, my heart and mind met
Reminding, to ask it. Ask the question.
What do you feel?
In scarce reality my heart broke through
In the quiet of the night it had freed itself
From the chains of my denial
I could bind it no longer
Her smile brought me life
Her laughter ignited passion
I was haunted by her spirit
I knew the answer, I had asked the question.
Courage guide me, hope refined
I asked her the same.
In her arms, I found my home.