Somewhat The Prompt

Underneath the ocean at night slowly going farther down. This was the job of a scientist

To discover the unknown but to be honest I wasn’t prepared. I was only an intern student who won a trip to the bottom of the ocean with dr. Adam “we are almost out of the twilight zone if you want to look out the window miss Ambers.”

“Thank you doctor,.” Amber said then looked out a side window and saw a vast empty ocean the sound of water could be heard from inside the sub. looking out she was able to see all kinds of fish and sharks

They were heading towards the Marina Trench a few hours later Ambers got tired of looking out the window so she sat down then got out her sketch book and air buds

It was a long while before anyone noticed it






“What’s that creaking sound doctor?”

“Just the water pressure, my dear nothing to worry about. We are currently in the midnight zone so pressure is stronger here.”

“Ok.” Ambers said then went back to doodling until the light started flickering

“Um… doctor can water pressure affect lights?”

“Um it shouldn’t, I’m sure there’s a logical explanation.” Adam said less assuringly and more nervously

The lights turned of suddenly

Then they heard a loud







“What is that noise doctor.”

“I don’t know I’m not even a real doctor, I’m just a sub driver.” Aden said panicky

Ambers looked out the window and saw a large slimy tentacle then she heard screaming from up front

Ambers ran to him then also screamed

For what was on the mirror was

A gigantic eye

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