Submitted by sarya the ceiling

Write a passage about something you believe is beautiful, but in the tone a newsreader might use if they are speaking of a national tragedy.

Use a positive event or thing, but describe it with language that is formal and emotionally neutral.

The Invisible

Many days pass and nothing chaches its always the same and it always will be the same. As the sun shines on it one day the rain will drip down the beautiful marble the next. The weather continues and the people walk by like nothing has even changed. The beauty that the statue brings is too much to ignore. It’s like the townspeople are ignoring the shining gory like the stature is invisible. The white marbled rock lays there as still as a a sloth collecting the dust from the passing days. Nothings new life continues as if the owner of the statue is invisible, he’s no longer cleaning the stature, caring for it or even sitting my it. No one notices the invisible.

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